A Melancholic Pooch Yearning for His Mama Can’t Hold Back the Tears in a Webcam Chat

During my childhood, I experienced intense feelings of separation anxiety. It’s a common occurrence for everyone to feel the absence of their parents when they are away, and this sentiment extends to our beloved pets as well.
The separation from us often leads our furry companions to feel distressed and unhappy. Any pet owner who has been apart from their fur babies for an extended duration can empathize with the profound emotions they can display.

A young lady had to embark on a three-week business journey, leaving her beloved Chow Chow pet at home. The separation took a toll on the dog, evident from their heartfelt and tearful FaceTime interaction.

According to the woman’s daughter, her adorable chow chow engaged in a heartwarming conversation with her mom through FaceTime, expressing its love for her. The pup seemed visibly distressed as it missed its owner who had been away on a business trip for three long weeks.

Although modern technology cannot fully replace the physical connection between pets and their owners, it can certainly serve as a temporary solution to bring them closer. Many pet owners, whether on a holiday or a business trip, have likely resorted to using FaceTime or similar tools to check in and see their beloved pets at home. If you’re curious, I invite you to watch the heartwarming video below:

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